Integrate your financial data from your accounting system to Konsolidator.
Automate your financial consolidation and reporting in a standardized application.
You can integrate Konsolidator with your cloud accounting systems with a single click.
You can even try Konsolidator for free. Click on your accounting system below to learn how we pull data from all sources into one system and efficiently manage the consolidation process.
Easily sync trial balances from your accounting system to Konsolidator.
Even if your group utilizes various accounting systems, you can swiftly sync all financial data from the entire group in seconds.
Integrating one or multiple accounting systems with Konsolidator will streamline the month-end process, reduce manual work, and ensure error-free numbers that align with your trial balance.
If you’re using a cloud accounting system we don’t integrate with yet you can still utilize Konsolidator by uploading your trial balance from Excel.
The Integration Center in Konsolidator allows you to easily transfer amounts from your trial balance specified on local account number, local account name, and dimension.
With a few clicks, you can establish the connection from your accounting software to Konsolidator.