Resources, tips, and industry insights to overcome common challenges and excel at your work

The pandemic brought many changes such as remote working, the need for digital tools to facilitate collaboration, and new demands for finance teams. Discover tips to help your employees adjust to the new normal, have a smooth return to the office, and implement learnings from the past year.

Building an efficient dataflow is tricky. Discover how data integration can ensure a smooth and simple flow of data between your financial systems and make you succeed in delivering the right data, at the right time.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the finance function is a trend you should be keeping up with in 2021! Get the guide to understand how RPA is well-suited for finance & how RPA optimizes workflows in 3 easy steps.

Creating a valuable financial report that delivers worthwhile insights can be tough. This guide takes you through 3 simple steps for cracking the code and creating a useful financial report — without spending 100+ hours or needing 10+ years of experience.

Choosing the right kind of software for your group is challenging. Learn the differences between the types of financial software – true cloud, hybrid cloud, or on-premises, so you can make the right choice in 2021.

In this e-book, you will learn how to use software to streamline financial data across your corporate group and the advantages of having an online financial data warehouse.

Discover how to manage your finance function from afar. Get six crucial steps for handling your finance function during COVID-19.