
Hold dig opdateret på de nye trends i finans. Lær hvordan du udnytter robotics og automatisering i dit daglige arbejde og hvordan du bruger ny teknologi til at  løfte tunge manuelle processer.

The use of different ERP systems in different entities of the consolidated group is a well-known challenge, even in a plain vanilla consolidation setup.

In this webinar, we discuss how you should work with multi-ERP consolidation to make sure your consolidation is correct.

Is your Excel consolidation crashing because of wrong formulas or broken links? Here is how to fix it.

In this webinar, we look into how you can establish precise procedures for each step of your consolidation and improve each stage to prepare your month-end close fast and easy.

Getting the best turnout for your processes in finance requires a solid and standardized method that helps you avoid calculation errors, ensures consistency, and simplifies your monthly reporting.
Therefore we narrow in on standardized cloud-based tools that connect to ERP systems and automate the processes.

Webinars on demand

Webinar: on-demand

How to automate financial consolidation

In this webinar, we review financial consolidation challenges to help finance professionals make better decisions about their consolidation set-up and improve overall performance.

Webinar: on-demand

How you organize a digital ecosystem in finance

For many finance professionals, it is a challenge to understand the differences between FinTech and AccTech offers, and individual differences between needs, wants, and must-haves.

This is what we zoom in on in this webinar, as well as the building blocks for a sound ecosystem.

Webinar: on-demand

How auditors use simple technology to drive automation and save cost

There’s a lot of improvement potential to be gained from automation in auditing to ensure efficiency and mitigate risk.
The consolidation process is one of them.
From the collection of data through analyzing it and finally consolidating it into a complete financial statement it is one of the areas where you can most improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Webinar: on-demand

what does good look like in finance business partnering

Drive more business value through finance business partnering. In this webinar, we explore business partnering from a practical and operational angle with field expert Anders Liu-Lindberg, including defining what success looks like, common barriers, and how to get started.

Webinar: on-demand

The CFO Agenda: skill changes, key competencies, and value drivers

How do you return to the office with a competitive advantage after a trying year and make sure you are still relevant? We narrow in on how your going back to the office plan should look, and what you need to understand to keep up in a business environment that demands agility, speed and proactivity.

Webinar: on-demand

Smart Technology in Finance

Are you using your power right for the financial consolidation? Or are you doing much of the heavy data lifting yourself? Today’s technology is reshaping the finance function. This webinar will help you build a toolbox for a smart finance department.

Webinar: on-demand

The do’s and don’ts of data integration in finance

As finance professionals become users of big data, best of breed software and seamless data integration become crucial to easily combine data residing in different sources. This webinar teaches you how to master your role as a data owner to get the software tools for your finance department.

Webinar: on-demand

Robotics process automation in finance – part 1

Are you thinking about applying RPA in finance your finance department? Watch part 1 of our Robotics in Finance webinar series we explain the basics of robotics so you know where to start.

Webinar: on-demand

Robotic process automation in finance – part 2

In Part 2 of our Robotics in Finance webinar series, we dive further into using RPA — we look at the pitfalls to avoid when starting with RPA and learn from a peer CFO who has successfully implemented RPA in his finance function.

Webinar: on-demand

Digitization for SMEs: how can you optimize the finance function?

Learn about the challenges and the opportunities that digitization brings for SMEs. You will learn why you should be interested in digitization, what challenges you can solve with digital tools, and what opportunities exist for improving your finance department.

Webinar: on-demand

Finansiel rapportering og data  visualisering med power – guided af PWC Danmark

Værdien af dine data ligger i din evne til at forstå og videreformidle dem på en klar og tydelig måde, så historien dine data fortæller hurtigt kan omsættes til handlingsrettede indsigter. På webinaret stiller vi skarpt på best practice indenfor finansiel rapportering og data visualisering.

Webinar: on-demand

Simple IXBRL conversion of your financial data

Are you looking for a simple and easy way to convert financial data into the new and required InlineXBRL format? Join Konsolidator and EasyX to learn how you can quickly transform your financial data and financial reporting into iXBRL format.

In a world of continuous innovation and fast-paced trends, it is often difficult to keep an eye on and understand how trends can impact organizations and the wider finance function, especially during a crisis like COVID-19. Watch this webinar to learn which new finance trends you should adapt to ensure you are able to meet the new demands.

Finance Business Partnering is one of the most talked about topics in finance in 2020. But what exactly does it mean on a practical level? How are you expected to take on this new role and how will it impact your company’s bottom-line?

Do you have a clear action plan for how to prepare for the annual account? A practical plan is what makes the difference and what means you will avoid last minute surprises and can produce an error-free annual account by the deadline. Join us to get a comprehensive checklist, so you’ll know exactly what to do when.

With the help of technology today everything becomes so much faster and easier – including the financial consolidation. In this webinar, this is what we look into how you can use new tools to support you for the heavy data processing in group finance.